Testimonial for First Taekwondo
To my surprise, my daughter, at the age of 11, decided to give up swimming after 6 years and take up First Taekwondo.
After 6 months of taking her to training, the Senior Instructor, Instructor and several other students suggested that I should also join in and take up the art.
After almost 16 years of no real form of exercise I was very reluctant, but as a child I had always wanted to do Taekwondo, so I decided to give it a go.
We started training two nights a week and now try most weeks to train four times.p>
It provides a great bond for my daughter and I, as we can help each other with our patterns, sparring techniques and advice. Most often it is her that helps me!!!!
At the centre we train at there are brothers and sisters, fathers and sons, fathers and daughters and even a mum and son training together. This helps provides a great atmosphere to learn a martial art with confidence.
First taekwondo has given me a new lease on life; with confidence, respect, integrity and pride.
This I believe is a great testimony to Master Low, Chief Instructor John, all Senior Instructors (and their Instructors) for their knowledge of the art.
Currently my daughter is a 2 nd grade brown belt & I am a 4 th grade blue belt and we both have the passion to one day become black belts – something I never imagined before to be possible.
This testimonial is to highlight that no matter how old or how unfit you are you just need to give it a go. With the support from my Senior Instructor and her Instructors my dream is coming true.
Lastly I would like to thank First Taekwondo for changing my life for the better and I sincerely hope I can motivate more people to join this great organisation – First Taekwondo.
Kind Regards and yours truly,
David P – Ingle Farm Student